Looking for a way to add some length to your hair? Check out some of these easy hair mask for hair growth recipes. All of these recipes that you’ll read below are simple and easy to do and are a great way to help your hair continue to grow strong and beautiful.
Keep reading below to see how simple it can be to create an easy hair mask for hair growth.
Table of Contents
Benefits of a hair mask for hair growth
If you’re wondering what the benefits are for using a hair mask for hair growth, check them out below.
Strengthening: Part of the reason that hair doesn’t grow is that it becomes brittle and breaks off. Using a hair mask can help to strengthen hair.
Repairs: For hair growth to happen, your hair has to be able to be repaired so it can continue to grow.
Hair Mask for Hair Growth
If you’re tired of your hair breaking or you’re wondering why your hair isn’t growing any longer, you’re going to love these tips. All you need is to find a great hair mask that can help to protect and repair your hair and it’s certain to grow longer from there.
Avocado and Banana Hair Mask
- 1 avocado
- 1 banana
- 1 T olive oil
- 1 T wheat germ oil
Mash up and mix together the banana and avocado. Then mix in the olive oil and wheat germ until well mixed. Massage into your hair, let sit for 30 minutes and then wash out using cold water and shampoo.
The mixture of banana and avocado can naturally stimulate your hair and the olive oil and wheat germ oil can also help to make your hair stronger as well.
Hair Mask for Damaged Hair & Hair Growth
- 1 T coconut oil
- 1 t cinnamon
Mix together both ingredients and then massage into the roots of your hair. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and then rinse out with shampoo and water.
You’ll notice that these two ingredients being rubbed into the roots of your hair can create a natural hair growth remedy that can cause your hair to potentially grow faster than it normally has in the past.
Homemade Egg Yolk Mask for Hair Growth
- 2 eggs
- 2 T olive oil
Mix together the two ingredients (and you can add some water if it’s too thick) and apply to your dry hair. Leave for about 30 minutes then rinse out as normal.
Eggs contain ingredients that can help strengthen and add nourishment to your hair. Using this may help your strands become stronger over time.
Common Questions
How fast does hair grow each month?
Typically, hair grows on average of about 1/2 inch per month. Some people have hair that grows faster or slower but using some of these hair growth remedies might help achieve a faster hair growth than others.
Are hair growth remedies guaranteed to work?
There are never any results that are guaranteed but these all-natural hair mask recipes are definitely worth a try!
How often should you apply a hair growth remedy?
No more than once a week or you’re going to run the risk of making your hair greasy or can cause some build up on your hair. If you can do it once per week, you might start to notice some growth after a month or so of time.
Diane taber says
Want to make my own hair mask for hair growth. As I’m very interested in it as I find it really fascinating.as who wouldn’t want longer thicker hair.