Superfood Energy Bites
Simple, on–the-go snacks are something that is taken for granted by most Americans. There are countless mini packages of traditional junk foods like chips, cookies, and even healthier options like Lara bars, lining shelves at the grocery store. However, for people like me on a limited yet nourishing diet, on-the-go snacks can be a challenge. Most gluten and grain free snacks in the stores contain nuts, which can be problematic for many people and still others contain a fair amount of added sugar. This leaves making some at home.
If you look up homemade grain free energy bites or snack bars on Google or Pinterest you will inevitable get a very long list of date based ideas. All of them are yummy looking and simple to make. So what is the problem? Well, while dates are perfect for an energy boost they contain a lot of natural sugar which can give you a little bit too much of an energy spike and subsequent crash if not balanced out by some protein. If you’re on the go, the last thing you need is a blood sugar crash.
Grass-fed gelatin is the perfect source of nourishing added protein. Most protein powders are dairy or soy based, making them risky options for most, but grass-fed gelatin is responsibly sourced, animal based and incredibly nourishing. Gelatin is fantastic for improving digesting, healing the lining of the gut, healing joint and cartilage damage and reducing inflammation and irritation (source). It is also incredibly high in protein! 1 TBS of grass fed gelatin contains 11g of protein!
Two of these snack energy bites equals approximately 20g of carbs, 5g of protein and 8.5g of healthy saturated fats, meaning that they are a far more balanced option than anything you’ll find in the store. They also take less time to make than it would take you to go to the right aisle of the store, pick out your favorite snack bar and checkout. So, next time you are going for a hike, on a car trip, or just have a long day filled with running errands and chauffeuring kids, whip up a batch of these and take them with you. They will be just the boost you need!
Makes 12 Balls
Prep Time: 10 mins
2 cups of dates, pitted and soaked in water for 10 minutes
1 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut
1 cup of fresh baby spinach
2 TBS coconut oil, melted
1 tsp sea salt
2 TBS grassfed gelatin
1 ½ tsp cinnamon
¼ cup of carob powder or cocoa powder (optional)
¼ cup of shredded coconut (optional)
In your food processor, combine your dates, shredded coconut, spinach and coconut oil and blend until well combined. Then, add in your gelatin, cinnamon and sea salt and pulse until well mixed.
Using a cookie dough scoop or a tablespoon, scoop your mixture into balls. If desired, roll your energy bites in either carob powder, cocoa powder, or shredded coconut. Then, place the balls onto a lined cookie sheet and place in the freezer for about an hour, or until firm. Store in the refrigerator for up to one week.
This was so good. I left out the coconut, used carob powder and I replaced spinach with baby kale since that’s what I had. Not only were the balls great, but it made the fudgiest, chewiest, rich frosting ever. No taste of kale or coconut at all. Barely even tasted like dates, just fudge. Oh also, I used the green can-Great Lakes colagen, I prefer this for uncooked usage.
@ Teresa – Use the red can because it can freeze.
Thank you SO much – I have been missing chocolate SO much (especially around my period!! ;)) & this little treat right here is like too good to be true…You just made my week!
They were a little pesky to make w/ my blender cause I don’t have a food processor but I just added a lil coconut milk to help it mix. God bless you though – these are amazing. I want to start an instagram soon of all AIP recipes I’m trying so I’ll definitely add this when I do!!
I am so glad you enjoyed them Angela! I would love if you shared on your Instagram 🙂 Blessings!
Which kind of gelatin did you use–the green can or the red? Or does it matter?